Monday, May 25, 2009

OMGZ!!!!! HAWT lol

Anissa on Bass And Alexia is the vocalist for Eyes Set To Kill!!! amazing lol, our band is gonna be like this one, if u dont know the band look em up.

and then, every nerds dream:

yes folks... that IS a Star Wars t-shirt hahaha


Swashbuckling is the clever term derived by Jared Dallman referring to silly last minute spontaneous fun. I, in no way came up with it myself. All credit goes to Jared :P


So last Sunday, May 17th, Me and Steve went up to Nichole's house where we met up with Jared, Aaron, Karissa, and obviously Nichole. Me and Jared learned Mayday Parade's Miserable at Best while the double daters chilled outside and cooked on the grill. We ate some delicious chicken and then went to a park to attempt to swashbuckle, where we got bit by gracious mosquitos and had to watch the double daters be annoying, and ended up not watching and just really not caring at all. Then we went back to the house, where Jared and myself decided to write an awesome new song called Change Is Today and I Am Tomorrow while the double daters disapeared upstairs. After completing the song, Nichole's cool sister came home and they decided to watch a movie. Jared and I did not feel like staying around for the double daters movie date cliche action. So we took steves car, opened the windows, blasted War of Ages, so began
It started at a gas station, where Jared got a Full Throttle and I drank my first energy drink, a Rockstar. Upon our departure we drove until coming across these cool train tracks by this old creepy building ( <-- This one lol). Jared and I pulled over and practiced our song upon the top of a stack of old pipes by the train tracks, following the musical session we then drank energy drinks and walked down the tracks where we encountered alot of trash along the tracks , We walked around the downtown concord area for awhile and climbed stuff and hung out, it was pretty awesome! We were greeted by some slutty mannequins at an awkward store front along our journey: We walked all the way to a Market Basket Plaza and played in a parking garage, and I took a leak between Burlington Coat Factory and Fashion Bug haha. The we walked all the way back to the train tracks, where we hopped in the car, and ate some gas station treats, I opened my door and hocked a loogie haha. From there we rolled on down to McDonalds where we purchased got some Dollar Menu Goodies and aimlessly wondered in our motor vehicle in search of an empty parking lot where we disembarked to wonder aimlessly (once again) around some nearby neighborhoods on foot while we enjoyed our tasty tantalizing cheap Mickey D treats. It then came to the unfortunate time when we had to get back so me and my brother could scurry on home, but upon getting back to my brothers lovely little 4 cylinder 95 Subaru Legacy Outback.. my Sunkist which I had purchased at the Hess gas station earlier, was gone. I had placed it between my seat and the door... I looked around the car for where it could be... it wasn't anywhere. Thinking back to the last time i opened the door.. all I could remember was getting in the car from the train tracks... then I remember I opened the door to spit! It must've fallen out there!! So we drove back there, found my sunkist, and drove back to Nicholes house where we all said our farewells and goodnights!

Mr. Hugs, We Love You

Jared's bummed tonight, as to why is not relevant, neither is it practical. Regardless, I decided to make this post to say, Jared, we love you, don't be bummed, you totally ROCK!!! like dude, ur my best friend, and my brother. So stop bumming out, its not cool man. Chin up!! :)

For Whom It May Concern

I am single!!! If you think that this has been the case, well.. congrats you are officially correct and not priveleged enough to know of events prior to this post! lol. Anyways, the convention was full of drama and because of that drama, there will officially be no more related drama. As for the spritual part, AMAZING. This was probably my favorite convention EVER!! there was so much to think about, and its definitely changed how I think and how I'm going to live my life. :)

Song of the Week


Lyrics | A Poetic Yesterday lyrics - Serenade For Spiders lyrics